Gun bag - part 2

My next step on the gun bag project, was to dye the canvas. Yeah, I know. The smart thing to do, would've been to dye the fabric before sewing the bag, but I wasn't smart. And you'll see the consequences later on.

For dyeing, I used onion peel. Depending on how long and how concentrated you dye, the colour varies from yellow to a light brown. I don't know the exact amount of onion peels, but I'd guess I collected from around 20 onions.

The process is really simple. Put the peels and your object in a pot. Add enough water to roughly cover it. Bring the water to a boil, and let it simmer until you're pleased with the colour. I let mine simmer for four hours, then left it in the pot over night.

When done, rinse out the excess dye, using clean water, and let dry. As you see, I got a nice tanish brown.

All in all, I'm pretty pleased with the result. But as I mentioned earlier, the consequence of not dyeing the canvas first, is some miss colouring from the oval ring. This must be the result of the darkened metal sitting in the dye for so many hours.
Nevertheless, this is only a cosmetic issue, and doesn't really mean anything to me.


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